Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 4 #8

I linked to several RSS feeds and thought to myself "oh yikes, so much to read"! But it is a handy thing to know and use, I must say. I linked to my mom's blog (she's 89) which I read all the time anyway. Also linked to NY Times Book Review and a few others. It is a lot to keep up with, but handy for sites one looks at on a regular basis.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Week 3 #5

Wow...there is so much out there to learn about. I need to figure out how to use someone else's photo in a project. Maybe that's not possible. I chose one of my photos and used the bead art application. Kinda fun. I can see that students could use this for the ideas listed, such as magazine covers... This photo is from an alphabet project we did. We explored the playground and the garden to find all the letters of the alphabet. This photo represents a "C"! It took me awhile to import it into my blog, but an essential thing to learn!